Jas : Hey vince. nothing much. Just booked out of army today. Got a whole bunch of food here.
Me : Cool. Whats this ?
Jas : Just some fruit bar. its pretty nice ya know. Want one ?
Me : hehe sure!
Yea. so basically i met Jas today and he jus got our of army.
He just went fo a field camp, so they gave him a lot of food lol.
This just one of the many stuff they gave him.
Theres even curry chicken noodles and some rice ? LOL
Look ! It says Honey apricot flavour ! haha
I tried a small piece of blueberry from Shiqi.
Its pretty nice too.
Talking bout all this just reminded me of Malaysia's NS
Thank God i didnt get selected. Wahahahaha!
I went to the website to check and this is what came out:
"Maaf! No KP anda tidak terpilih untuk siri KN ini"
Basically, it means sorry ! your IC no is not selected in this NS.
Well if i was really selected, i dont think i would have actually mind.
I could've used it for physical training ?
Although it would be really slack, i could still do my own schedule ^^
Oh well, i guess thats the end of NS for me ^^